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  • 国際学会English スピーキング・エクササイズ 口演・発表・応答 音声DL付

国際学会English スピーキング・エクササイズ 口演・発表・応答 音声DL付

  • ページ数 : 120頁
  • 書籍発行日 : 2023年6月
  • 電子版発売日 : 2023年6月26日
m3.com 電子書籍ポイント: 60pt ( 2 %)
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・本書は2010年発行の『国際学会English スピーキング・エクササイズ 口演・発表・応答 音声CD付』の音声CDの内容がダウンロード対応になったものです.書籍本文の内容は変わりません.また,本書にはCDは付きません.

推奨ブラウザ: Firefox 最新版 / Google Chrome 最新版 / Safari 最新版



Oral presentations have become one of the main ways of transmitting research results and an essential tool for professionals in a variety of fields.They are also important for graduate students and,to a lesser extent,undergraduates.

This book aims at meeting the needs of presenters who are non-native speakers of English.It is based on the author's experience of teaching presentation skills at universities and institutes in Japan over a period of twenty five years.During that time,I have noted a significant improvement in presentations given by Japanese presenters,but problems remain and,in my opinion,these are not simply matters of grammar or pronunciation.In fact,they are far more serious.For example,many presentations lack a clear framework,conform more to the rules of a written paper than an oral presentation,and do not distinguish between foreground and background.

In this book,I focus on ways of overcoming these and other problems.My approach is a linguistic one and I concentrate on the English you need to present your data.There are many example sentences and vocabulary items that you can use to improve your presentation and make your data more convincing.This book comes with a CD and has exercises that will help you to improve your speaking and listening ability,and also remember the key sentences and vocabulary presented here.It has four complete example introductions and three complete example conclusions.There are several quick guides that provide easy access to the language you need.Additionally,there is one interview with an experienced presenter and ten thought-provoking topics on presentations that introduce useful techniques.

You can use this book as a reference when you are preparing your next presentation and also as a textbook for improving your speaking and listening skills.




Part1 Starting your presentation

1 You need a framework

2 Example Introduction 1

3 Example Introduction 2

4 Example Introduction 3(Part1)

5 Example Introduction 3(Part2)

6 Example Introduction 4

Quick Guide 1: Starting your presentation-Key Sentences

Quick Guide 2: Starting your presentation-Key Vocabulary

Presentation Techniques: Discussion

Part2 How to handle the main body of your presentation

1 Starting a new section

2 Focusing on important points in a section

3 Finishing sections with a short summary

4 Signaling the end of a section

5 Movement within a presentation

6 Using questions in the main body

7 Contrasting known information and new information

8 How to introduce graphics in a dynamic way

Part3 How to handle conclusions

1 Advice for effective conclusions

2 Example conclusion 1

3 Example conclusion 2

4 Example conclusion 3

Quick Guide 3: How to handle conclusions-Key Sentences

Part4 The question and answer session

1 How to handle questions

2 Defining question types

Presentation Topics

1 What makes a good presentation?

2 If you could get people to do one thing differently in their presentations,what would it be?

3 No two specialists are alike

4 What is obvious to you,may not be obvious to your audience

5 How sticky is your presentation?

6 Poster previews

7 Buzz sessions

8 Networking receptions

9 Clarity: How to simplify and rephrase complex information

10 Less is more


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  • メモ・付箋
  • PubMed
  • 動画再生
  • 音声再生
  • 今日の治療薬リンク
  • イヤーノートリンク
  • 南山堂医学
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  • 未対応


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  • ISBN:9784263433683
  • ページ数:120頁
  • 書籍発行日:2023年6月
  • 電子版発売日:2023年6月26日
  • 判:A5判
  • 種別:eBook版 → 詳細はこちら
  • 同時利用可能端末数:3




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